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Cover Image for How to (Cluster) Autoscale a self hosted Kubernetes on AWS EC2

How to (Cluster) Autoscale a self hosted Kubernetes on AWS EC2

8 min read
Kubernets, K8S, K3S, AWS, EC2, hosting, autoscale

How do you do cluster autoscaling when you run your own hosted Kubernets cluster? This post will tell you all the details you need to get started with Cluster Autoscaling for Kubernetes running on AWS EC2. It will explain you how to setup ther permissions, EC2 autoscale group and the tricky details you need to know to get started with your self hosted Kubernetes.

Per Sunde
Per Sunde

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Cover Image for Setup Echo web server to serve a Single Page Application (SPA)

Setup Echo web server to serve a Single Page Application (SPA)

3 min read
Go, Golang, Echo, SPA, React, Single Page Application, Webserver

Are you using Echo webserver and experience issues with your Single Page Application's (SPA) routing? There is an easy fix for that. Simply add this code to your Echo server and it will serve the correct files and handle your SPA routing correctly!

Per Sunde
Per Sunde
Cover Image for Beautify your markdown Nextjs blog with Highlightjs

Beautify your markdown Nextjs blog with Highlightjs

5 min read
Next.js, markdown, beautify code, code highlighter

Do you want to add code beautifier to your markdown blogg? By using Highlight.js with React-Markdown you can easily make your markdown blog shiner.

Per Sunde
Per Sunde
Cover Image for How to create a free static website with Github Pages

How to create a free static website with Github Pages

8 min read
Github, hosting

Now you can make your own website, all for free with Github Pages

Per Sunde
Per Sunde